Escorts Chicago Beats Internet Dating Hands Down

  In this traditional model of dating, convention dating means meeting women, gaining their trust, asking them on a date, and eventually moving forward. Forward in the sense of getting involved in an actual romance in the short term and long term. In today’s society, we don’t care about you, the man. …

Why Can’t My Escort Be Here In 10 Minutes?

Unlike a volunteer fireman, escort girls do not sit in front of their door waiting and ready for a call to rush out in under 60 seconds. The girls all like to be fresh and neat for your appointment. So when they get a booking. They take down the information and program it into GPS.…

When a Heat Wave Hits Chicago

Chicagoans Suffer More When a heat wave hits Chicagoan’s actually suffer more than people in Georgia. Why? Because not only are southerners used to the heat, they also know what to do when it’s hot out there. Stay indoors as much as possible. Find shade. Wear loose clothing and drink plenty of fluids.…

Escorts Chicago and Father’s Day

It was a hot weekend in Chicago and barbecues and boat rides were on everyone’s agenda. We opened up late in the afternoon on Saturday and Sunday, knowing everyone needed to be with their dads! Escorts Chicago wants to share some heartfelt stories about some cool dads in the world. These stories are written in 100 words or less and were published in Readers Digest.…

Memorial Day & Escorts Chicago

The girls and I had a discussion about Memorial Day. Surprisingly not many knew why we celebrate this day. Amazingly, some thought is was to start the “barbecue season”. For this reason, I had to enlighten them all. Blondes or brunettes, what is upstairs makes no difference! Memorial Day was once called Decoration Day. …

5 Reasons To Use An Agency Escort Versus An Independent Escort

  Using a well-reviewed and well-established agency escort is the best way to book an escort. Nearly all problems that might arise, stem from using independents as bait. Use a well-established agency and you are much more likely to avoid any problems. Choose an agency that has been in business many years.…

Beauty Hints and Tips

Deodorant To Clear Razor Burn Use deodorant to help clear up razor burn. Just apply it lightly to the problem area. Escort-approved and used. Baking Soda and Apple Cider Vinegar For Hair Use baking soda and apple cider vinegar on your hair to help get rid of product buildup. Better than clarifying shampoos.…

Escorts Chicago Closing Out 2016

All of us here at the best Escort Agency in Chicago are happy and sad at the same time to say goodbye to 2016. It was a great year for us. We have made great work relationships.  All of us here have become good girlfriends. Girls met each other on dates.…

Escort Chicago and Rates

Our favorite line here at Escorts Chicago is : [quote]Quality is remembered long after price is forgotten.[/quote] This is our company motto and our pledge over 25 years in business. This week I would like to discuss our “Rates”. I cleaned up the Rates page this week to make is easy to read.…

Escorts Chicago Get Ready For Gift Giving

If you’re looking for the perfect gift for your friends and family, the girls and I have a few helpful hints. Brainstorm gift ideas. All the girls at the agency love the holidays. We love to give. Chicago Escorts are the best and we have some really good tips to offer to you listed below.…