General Questions

All the ladies, besides their escort service work, have regular jobs or school schedules. It is a good idea to book in advance. For same-day appointments, please call the office.
All appointments are based on 1 hour. We encourage multiple hours and offer a discount.
Yes, you can always extend your time as long as the lady is available. That is why it’s a good idea just to book 2 hours.
Since the safety of the ladies is a matter that we are most concerned with, you must give your full and real name and your city of residence. This information is treated with the utmost discretion.
Absolutely NOT! Once verified, there is no need for us to retain your personal information. All emails are deleted as well.
We respect your time, and we hope you respect ours as well. We understand that there are things out of your control. But as much notice as possible is always appreciated by all of us.

Helpful Hints

If you are at your residence. Please turn on the porch and yard lights so the escort can find your house. Coral any enthusiastic dogs for the first few minutes of her arrival.
We asked you when you booked the call with our agency if you were alone. As much as we all would like to believe you. (Trust but verify) The young lady will ask for a tour just to make sure.
Our escorts are prompt and fast. But it is impossible in a city of this size to have anyone at your door in 30 minutes. Pre-book your appointment! The average time is 60 minutes for her to arrive at your door. It takes me 15 minutes from the time I walk out of my door to get to my car and exit the parking garage. I will not even talk about waiting for the valet to park the car at a hotel. OR walking three blocks to your hotel from the parking lot in very high heels.
Please DO NOT ask the escort for her cell phone number. I do not think I need to go into the reasons for that. But if you do not know, please call the office, and we will give you the reasons.
All appointments are based on 1 hour. The escort will be notified when it’s time for her to leave. If you wish to book another hour or 2 while she is there just give the office a call and we will take care of it for you. The escort has to leave when her time is up. For her safety, we do verify that she is either in her car or a cab after she calls to say she is done. Home or hotel it’s always nice to make sure you have fresh towels for the escort in the bathroom. It is always nice to offer your escort a beverage. Some of the girls do not drink alcohol when they are working. So please respect their right to ask for water or a soft drink.